As predicted, I've just posted another thousand-plus images to BME — surprised I'm sticking with my promise? This update gets me caught up to submissions as of last Wednesday. The cover shot is of course a female pubic shot through some naughty fishnet panties, but the cool thing about Christina piercings is that you can show them off without exposing pink and moving into explicit territory.
I (personally) am responsible for the naming of maybe a dozen piercings or so, and worked at the studio (Tom Brazda's Stainless Studios) that named the Christina. Now, I've done some many sordid things when it comes to naming and renaming piercings, but my friend Tom kind of screwed over another friend of mine in the naming of the Christina (but I bear no malice).
When I first moved to Toronto, I lived at Vaughn and St. Clair, right next to the incredible icecream shop Dutch Dreams where I'd regularly consume more than one immense crepe wrapping three enormous scoops of homemade icecream, and one of the girls that worked there lived in the same building as me. I think she was regularly blowing my business partner, but I'm not sure — he's always had luck in that department. In any case, one day she approached me, knowing that I worked at a piercing studio, and asked me about getting pierced “down there”
“Where exactly do you mean?,” I asked.
She looked at me like I was some kind of idiot and said rather bluntly, “you know, where the outer labia meet — haven't you ever been with a girl?”
I told her I was fairly sure that wasn't a common piercing (or even a known one) — this was 1995 after all — and I think at that moment the piercing community got collectively more sexually naïve in her eyes. She was however excited to hear that as the first known recipient of the piercing she'd get to choose its name. I took her in to see Tom, and after he gave her genitals a once over to ensure the anatomy was suitable, an appointment was made to do the piercing two weeks hence.
Tom can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to piercing any more than I can (if it wasn't for his zeal, there'd quite likely be no BME today), and by the time midnight of the day of her visit had struck, a handful of other women had already lined up to have their pubic fold penetrated by him. A few days later, a friend of his (who didn't have to wait for an appointment in his busy schedule) was pierced.
…her name was Christina.

That said, I'm glad that Urban Primitive's corny suggestion that it be christened the Venus Piercing never stuck. Anyway, I hope that story was an interesting piece of piercing trivia. One of the cool things about being one of the loudest blabbermouths in the early days of modern piercings is that I've got a zillion more like that…
Other than that, there's plenty of good stuff in the update but I wanted to showcase here some fine work from the always gonzo Emilio Gonzalez, one of the most boundary shattering artists I know that's not a monster (except in a good way).