I have food allergies which leave me with severe migraines for 24 hours. Just when I think I have a handle on it all and know what I can or shouldn’t eat and when, it seems that I react to another previously “safe” food. When I’m not reacting and have no pain, life is good and I’m glad to be around. However after about 12 hours of severe pain for which there is no relief, I’m ready to cash in and be done with it all.
I have no family or children, so all of my considerations affect only me – I have no one else to worry about. I realize that this is a one-sided point of view on this whole health care situation and I have a lot of empethy for those who have close loved ones. It’s one hell of a mess!
So from my rather narrow point of view as a “loner,” I’m ready to go any time. I’ve had a good life and have made some small contributions and have no regrets about cashing in. I think we all reach a point sooner or later when we feel it’s not worth fighting any longer.
]]>After a couple of weeks he was no longer himself and was hospitalized. The doctors gave him 6 months at the most.
By the time a month had passed he was no longer able to feed himself and had a feeding tube inserted, he wasn’t able to care for himself in any way and was in obvious pain.
One morning he pulled the feeding tube out himself. At that point my mother along with the doctors made the decision not to reinsert the feeding tube. All of his family had been able to come and see him and he was ready to go, he knew he was not going to be able to do anything but lay in a hospital bed and barely able to communicate at all.
If I was in that situation I don’t think that I’d want to be kept alive either.
]]>I have a feeling that “assisted suicide” made legal could lead to some unanticipated outcomes*, but there should be some finely defined options.
*It sounds crazy but I could see “if this happens, end my life”, if made legal, being pushed into contract agreements that people sign in agreement to enter highly beneficial agreements. Just saying it could be abused. I do think you should have the voice in whether you continue to live or not, but the wording has to be precise.
]]>Personally I would like to be able to decide when it’s time to leave, especially if I were in serious health condition that would leave me depending on others.