Comments on: Back from Africa I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mead Mead Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:29:15 +0000 Smoking bans have helped health. BBC’s reporting it today, and it reminded me of your recent posts ( )
(This paper is one of the ones they’re talking about: ).

By: Ursula Ursula Sun, 20 Sep 2009 23:14:57 +0000 You’ll enjoy BodyWorlds Story of the Heart, when it was in Tampa I went twice. They even had a table set up with the plastinated cross slices and a spleen that the public was allowed to handle. First thing I did was sniff it (it didn’t smell). As curious as Nefarious seems plus as fun as you make learning, should have quite a good time. Cheers!

By: Edurus_Fas Edurus_Fas Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:25:21 +0000 Shannon,
ok- let’s see….
calculator parts on your shoes — that is smart :) remember — some people caunt with their toes, and this would be a nifty way to do it with a calculator :P

And as for the bike in the tube, I think there is a quick way to retrieve it: a long stick with an attached rope to it- and at the other end of the rope, a strong hook.
poke the stick through the hole, let the hook get attached to the bike (or let the stick go all the way through and hold onto the hook until the stick is completely through the hole and out of the tube –
hook the hook around a sturdy part o the bike and then pull the bike out from the top.
Have Fun!

By: Toast Toast Sun, 20 Sep 2009 11:59:37 +0000 I’m 26 and STILL love the spinny thing! We have a near-identical contraption at the Science Museum in London here, and I confess I still relish the quiet times on visits when the kids aren’t looking and I can go play.

“Conservation of energy” was consequently one of the first bits of physics I really ‘got’ at school.

I also used to take apart electronics & glue things together – my father actually built me my own shed in the garden as a kid, probably still only aged 11 or so, and I’d be forever shut in there with unhealthy levels of superglue vapour! Best by far were old cassette walkmans & car stereos, since with a couple of those, a battery pack & the pulleys I discovered you could build a little electric car. Hunt them down! Amazing introduction to gearings and ratios :) CD players & HDDs simply can’t be so readily repurposed.
