Comments on: Oh, that’s classy I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shannon Larratt is Zentastic › Canada’s Wonderland Shannon Larratt is Zentastic › Canada’s Wonderland Thu, 08 Jul 2010 22:11:56 +0000 [...] little kids around in strollers, but the one is and carrying another baby around in their belly. Ah, pregnant smokers. Really nice… And again, even though it’s a no-smoking facility, no one bothers doing [...]

By: dox dox Sun, 13 Sep 2009 03:11:14 +0000 re: the jeep

it is a jeepney by the looks of it, least theyre trying to transform it into one. the philipino flag would be the give away. after the war americans left jeeps in the philippines and they transformed them into public transport, now they try n bling them out as much as possible

By: Elizabeth Elizabeth Thu, 10 Sep 2009 14:15:39 +0000 My Mother smoked 3 packs of Marlboro reds a day throughout her pregnancy and took massive doses of acid until her 6th month at least. I turned out just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. :\

I quit altogether but started back almost as soon as my womb was empty. Going to an acumpuncturist Saturday in the hopes of help with smoking addiction.

By: Jen Jen Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:25:05 +0000 My sister smoked heavily (25+ a day) all the way through both her pregnancies. She tried to justify it by saying that her midwife said it was okay, as giving up and withdrawals would be “too stressful” (though how anyone who doesn’t work and is given £800 a month in benefits with no bills to pay can be stressed is beyond me). Her eldest child now has lung problems which were made worse by the fact she didn’t have him immunised and he caught Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
How anyone can do that is beyond me. You’re putting addictive chemicals into your body that are having an affect on the fetus in you.

By: estrojenn estrojenn Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:49:27 +0000 are you sure that isn’t just a beer belly? bad joke.

my mom smoked like a chimney when she was pregnant with me. when i google the various long term risks that arise when a fetus is exposed to cigarette smoke like that, along with newer and more recent research about how it affects you in adult hood…its bad news, and i believe a lot of health things i suffer with came from the cigarette smoke i was exposed to as a fetus and child.

a dear friend of mine lost a baby brother to SIDS. he is 100% convinced that was because of the insane amount of cigarettes his mother smoked during pregnancy and throughout infancy.

i still don’t know why people don’t need to take classes when they get pregnant. biggest and most important job on the planet, and anyone who is fertile is allowed to do it.

By: Rosemary Rosemary Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:17:53 +0000 I work at a public hospital in Australia and I can guarantee you that before and after each shift I will walk past at least 2 smoking parents who are pregnant or have strollers and young children. When I first started working there I was really taken aback and judgemental, but unfortunately I have become used to such a common sight.

By: Jilary Jilary Tue, 08 Sep 2009 03:01:10 +0000 Outside the Toronto Zoo, my son, who was maybe 5 or 6 at the time, scolded a woman for lighting up right next to a woman who was breast-feeding her infant. I was rather proud of him for standing up for the infant, and as the smoker walked away, the mother turned and thanked my son. I even get upset when I see people smoking in their cars with the windows closed and pets trapped inside. What you choose to do to yourself is one thing, but don’t force it upon any defenseless being around you.

- Spoken by an x-smoker.

By: Melanie Melanie Tue, 08 Sep 2009 01:03:49 +0000 Not really surprising, unfortunately. My mother smoked through her pregnancy with me and continued to afterward. Dad smoked too.

By: Caitlin Caitlin Mon, 07 Sep 2009 22:43:44 +0000 No one is allowed to smoke in restaurants or bars (or anywhere indoors it seems) these days in Canada and for that we are all grateful. Except all smokers take it outside and one finds oneself in a cigarette smoke slipstream and that sucks too. I refuse to go into restaurants or bars that have a group of people smoking directly outside the door because I don’t want to walk that gauntlet. UGH. I read in Toronto Life magazine that smoking has been banned from playgrounds and wading pool areas, so that’s a start.

I look forward to the day when people are only allowed to smoke in their own homes…

By: Andrew Andrew Mon, 07 Sep 2009 09:31:30 +0000 That’s disgusting and unfortunately an all too common sight around here.

By: Trigger Trigger Mon, 07 Sep 2009 02:44:14 +0000 That does look like she is preggers due to all the weight being in front and low….if so..yeah..that’s pretty horrible. As for smoking around an infant..equally bad.

However, as a smoker..I have to mention one thing that bothers me. I have encountered several occasions where I have been rudely snipped at by parents with young children while smoking. Understandable most situations..however, it’s always at a resturant. I am seated in a smoking section and so are the parents with thier infants. In those situations, I try to keep it down to aminimun…but when they do the fake cough and start passivley complaining…a part of me can’t help but light up another. Yes, it’s not nice at all for me to do…but to be fair…I’m not the one with an infant sitting in a smoking section….

sorry…a bit off topic…but that scenario annoys me to no end….no matter how disgusting it makes me for smoking where I’m completely allowed to…that being said…I tend to not smoke once said family is seated directly by me (when I notice it).

By: Joan Joan Sun, 06 Sep 2009 22:01:32 +0000 what bothered me was just the fact that she was holding a newborn as she lit up her cigarette. I have had great friends that discovered they were pregnant while smoking and told to just cut back as much as possible but every one of them never smoked around their babies.

By: MissJanet MissJanet Sun, 06 Sep 2009 21:41:05 +0000 A former friend of mine wanted to breastfeed her newborn son. The doctor asked her if she didn’t harm him enough with her 40+cigarette use during pregnancy. The poor boy went through a horrible detox process right after birth, still suffers from low weight, is retarded in almost every way. Poor baby.

By: Jaden Jaden Sun, 06 Sep 2009 19:51:15 +0000 A close friend of mine was a smoker. She got pregnant and the doctor actually told her it would be worse for the baby if she quit, than if she just cut back.

By: scienkoptic scienkoptic Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:56:48 +0000 smoking around kids born or unborn. Shame.

That’s not a’scrambler’ some kind of mutant Willys cj-2 or 3.
The four bolt lug pattern isn’t even standard jeep. all jeeps were at least a five bolt pattern.

By: Joan Joan Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:22:48 +0000 she actually had the friends newborn in her hand when she lit her smoke then the friends husband took the baby and stood next to her while she smoked..I really don’t think it was hers, plus she kept doing the pregnant mom belly rub to herself as if the baby was moving..Lack of oxygen making it upset perhaps?
It was after the guy took the baby that I pointed it out to you Shannon

By: Shannon Shannon Sun, 06 Sep 2009 13:01:56 +0000 She left when she was done her cigarette and I didn’t see her get back, so I *think* the baby was not hers, but a friend’s… But I’m not sure. Neither option is OK though, whether it’s smoking while pregnant or smoking next to a newborn.

By: Twwly Twwly Sun, 06 Sep 2009 12:51:25 +0000 Puffing away over a stroller. Fuck her.

By: DON DON Sun, 06 Sep 2009 12:00:44 +0000 Recent campaigns over here to educate mothers to the health risks of smoking while pregnant (and around young children) have gone a long way towards making it less socially acceptable to be seen doing it – at least in public. In fact pretty much the only people who do it openly now are the sort of people who don’t give a toss about showing socially acceptable behaviour of any description.

By: Ania Ania Sun, 06 Sep 2009 10:26:21 +0000 smokers are one of my pet peeves and I really hate how selfish they tend to be – one thing is to poison their own bodies but sth entirely different to poison everyone around only cuz they wanna smoke.
