on another note, whats so strange about communing with trees?havent you mentioned seeing auras and such?
to each thier own.
The truth is that this old woman has probably been driving like a fool for years and has so far managed to evade the law. Chances are she will continue to go on driving like a fool unless someone manages to report her.
There’s never a cop around when you want one, is there?
]]>Some old people can be menaces on the road for many different reasons. You normally see them driving big spanking posh cars at 30mph in a 60mph zone with a queue of traffic behind them eager to get past.
If you’re right behind them you normally see a few big mops of hair sticking up and the occasional glance of a bald head.
When you’re finally able to get past without causing a head-on-collision, you manage a quick glance to the left and what do you see?
About four almost static-looking figures driving as if they’re stuck in some kind of timewarp. Physically they’re in 2009 but mentally they’re still living in the 1950′s.
The world is going on around them and they’re seem almost oblivious to the fact.
]]>When you see commercial vehicle straddling the emergency lane while he/she is texting, you can only imagine that there’s a point at which someone is going to die.