Comments on: Brother, life’s a bitch… and she’s back in heat. I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bothrops Bothrops Mon, 30 Mar 2009 18:25:37 +0000 Awesome animation of Obama! I didn’t know people still even remembered They live. I first saw it as a kid the didn’t realize how relevant it was until something like 2003.

By: marty h. marty h. Sat, 28 Mar 2009 16:20:56 +0000 it’s been kind of a long day, but let me see if i can add anything…
you are correct as near as i can tell in the statement that all new money is created on debt. you know my background and my areas of interest and as much research as i have done all central banking systems these days are based upon “fractional reserve systems” which essentially means that a bank can leverage its deposits into massive loans; which can be called virtually at any time. therefore if a small percentage of these loans get called and cannot come up with the money it creates a domino effect in the economy. it is an incredibly silly way to run finance, but if you are 45 years old and dont give a shit about your kids futures or are of the opinion that things will “just sort themselves out” it isnt a bad way to make money. that being said, i spend alot of time with finance type folks; and they literally all are of the opinion that things will work themselves out. i believe this is due to their misunderstandings of the systems they work in and can only hope that they start to realize (en masse) that the models dont work and we need to fundamentally change the way the system works.
just my .02

By: DETN8R DETN8R Mon, 23 Mar 2009 07:27:38 +0000 They Live! is a great movie. OBEY!,

By: wlfdrgn wlfdrgn Sun, 22 Mar 2009 21:19:35 +0000 Hopefully, after things start to look like they’re going to stabilize a bit, the tax code will be fixed. Cutting taxes for a million dollar a year person paying $10,000 in mortgage interest by $3800 while cutting it by only $1000 for someone making $20,000, but paying the exact same $10,000 in mortgage interest seems a bit flawed to me.

Did you catch the news reports about pitchfork protests last week? The peasants are on the edge of revolt. Productivity is level or, in lots of places, falling. I don’t endorse eating the rich (very high in saturated fat), but maybe if they feel threated with that, things can start getting better. If not, pitchforks and torches are cheap.
