Comments on: Sledding at Lithuania Park I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danielle Danielle Sun, 11 Jan 2009 04:55:11 +0000 I was spanked many more times than once, I’ve had my mouth washed out with bar of Ivory and I also was pushed down a staircase.

The latter experience had me at the hospital. I told the nurses and doctors what I’d experienced then as a mere six year-old, but the authorities dismissed it as nothing. My parents subsequently threatened me with being taken away from them as a further deterrent from talking about it again despite the scabs I had on my face and the scar on my upper lip that identifies me today.

By: ELY M. ELY M. Sun, 11 Jan 2009 00:39:03 +0000 Carmen,
I dont know, I thought writing is easy on child.
Thanks for pointing out about that.

By: darcy darcy Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:32:37 +0000 I was brought up by my Grandmother, she never spanked me at all, at least not that I can recall. If she really wanted to scare me she would threaten to tell my father(he did not live with us) I was terrified of him for various reasons. He never hit me, ever, but would often threaten me with a belt…it was enough, firstly I didn’t dare misbehave anywhere near him but more important to make me scared of him and grow up hating him. I have not seen or spoken to him for 23 years!

By: Rosie Rosie Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:14:35 +0000 Starbadger… you said it all.

By: Nicole Nicole Sat, 10 Jan 2009 17:43:01 +0000 I’m quite obviously against corporal punishment. We have 3 pre-teen children who are some of the most respectful, good natured, intelligent and loving children. Although I realize no child is the same and that some parents do use “corporal punishment” as a way to train their child into obedience, like a dog, ahem!- I think what bothers me most in this circumstance is the frequency and fact that the other parent, the one sparing the rod, is not the main care provider.

It seems to be escalating and while this parent may only have custody of this child once every 3 months, it is more caregiving than actual parenting. Her disapline is out of line and hopfully some form of mediation can be obtained.

Breaks my heart that you fired a nanny for spanking your child but can’t do the same with someone else having limited access due to genetics.


By: starbadger starbadger Sat, 10 Jan 2009 16:13:43 +0000 Shannon wrote:

Sarah (and anyone else with the same experiences), I would definitely appreciate feedback either here or by private email about how this made you feel as a kid and how you explained it to yourself (if it was even an issue). Thanks

If you were to speak to 20 year Toronto City Cops they’d tell you that the worse call is the domestic call. It is so nuts and when one counts the broken bodies and dead people domestic violence up to and including beatings and death exceeds crime violence and we won’t even cross over to the violence we declare and live whether NFL and dead at 54 or Generation Kill.

What ever happened to those guys who scammed five million out of the Bank of Montreal and took off for Switzerland. Of course they’re dead. You can’t do that – I think it was three guys – they worked for the bank and created an account over a couple of years with a line of credit at 5 mil THEN pulled the money and ran. They had a party before they did the deed. It got a couple days of PLAY on CBC and they never caught them. Yeah sure.

You have to decide if Ari is under any real danger beyond having a mother whose life is most likely coming apart big time. By her own admission there have been no renewals to speak of and you can’t run the old site on a do it-yourself T-Shirt operation. Esp if as she reports you lose 1000s in ink learning how to do it.

Before she (Milo, Rachel) took her page off “public” she declared she has hurt her back and could not continue.

She has said that the intellectual property is going back to the people who are in the pix. So connect the dots.

And how exactly do you or rather Milo explain to the court that you washed your kid’s mouth out for saying fuck when the court has a pix of you wearing a T-Shirt saying that you prefer your men with split cocks.

In case you are wondering. The last thing I would do is agree with the general view here that the courts can intervene esp in either of your cases.

For better or worse Ari must be minutes, hours, days or weeks from the self-awareness the realization that she can destroy either of you or both of you. And that finally is it. It’s Ari’s call.

If destroy is too extreme – wound.

But she’s just a little girl.

Yeah – and she has that power and given her IQ and what she has seen – I would be astonished if in fact there is anything here she would not understand.

Anyway – been there done that and I have got the T-Shirt.

By: Gillian Gillian Sat, 10 Jan 2009 14:41:00 +0000 Whether it’s soap in the mouth or a swat on the bum, it’s not about the ACTIONS of the adult, it’s about how it’s supposed to make the child FEEL. Both would make the child feel humiliated enough, or physically in pain enough not to do what they did in order to earn that punishment. Both of those things, in my opinion, are abusive because of the intent of the adult.

By: DON DON Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:53:29 +0000 Although I don’t have any kids, I’ve nevertheless been following this discussion with some interest. When I was brought up, “parenting” wasn’t a word or even a concept particularly.

I got my fair quota of smacks as a youngster – always I think from my mother – and when the situation warranted it, administered in public. I also on at least one occasion got spanked with a gym plimsoll at primary school. Politically incorrect it may be now, but at the time it all seemed to me a perfectly normal part of growing up and learning how to behave.

The “You can go and wash your mouth out with soap” was used as a threat for saying ‘dirty’ words, but I never had it carried out on me, and I don’t know anyone who did. Neither of my parents never swore in front of me, and even as an adult, I never used bad language within their earshot.

By: Joanne Joanne Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:09:35 +0000 Carmen – because having soap shoved into your mouth, probably making you retch and vomit, is a far, far more traumatising experience than one quick smack to the back of the legs. It’s sick, unnecessary and it seems almost sadistic to me.

It makes me so angry to think a “mother” would put soap in their child’s mouth because they said something naughty. I think if that happened me as a child I would seriously hold it against my mother even as an adult.

By: Carmen Carmen Sat, 10 Jan 2009 02:47:27 +0000 Joanne..I don’t understand..truly I don’t..why is the soap thing horrible while spanking isn’t?

Joan..maybe it’s just my own experience (or rather my experience with friends children, as I don’t have kids). But I see so many children who are completely disruptive and do not listen to their parents. They are brats in the extreme. Their parents don’t believe in spanking. Not that we’ve had long parenting discussions..but if they see a parent swat the hand of a child misbehaving in a grocery store..they are very bothered by it. But then, clearly whatever their method of child rearing is, it hasn’t worked in keeping children obedient.

By: quinnn quinnn Sat, 10 Jan 2009 02:23:10 +0000 I was reported to my son’s therapist for washing his mouth out with soap (it was a consequence that was known by my son for a specific action) by my exhusband. The therapist asked me about it and because I was following thru with a consequence he said he would overlook it this time but in my state, soap in the mouth is considered child abuse. He suggested me finding another consequence. Fine. not a problem.

Two weeks later my ex caught our son playing with matches and surprised the kid with holding his hand above a lit lighter as punishment. It was about that time that the therapist realized what a nut job my ex is.

No matter which side of the fence you fall on, corporal or non-corporal, be careful.

By: Satans_Angel Satans_Angel Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:34:36 +0000 I have been in the same situation with my own children. Their father felt that “soap in the mouth” and “spanking” were the only way to deal with unacceptable behavior where I on the other hand am a fan of “timeout” and communicating in a way the child can understand along with apologies when necessary(coming from the child). It finally evolved to the point that he no longer is allowed visitation with the children. I am not sure this is the best thing for them, but the courts seemed to think it was. He on the other hand could care less but that is another story. I wish you all the best in this matter and in life in general. <3

By: Joanne Joanne Fri, 09 Jan 2009 19:31:06 +0000 I can’t believe Carmen thinks washing a child’s mouth out with soap and water is not a big deal!

Maybe not for you as an adult, Carmen, because you can defend yourself, rationalise what is going on and tell whoever is doing it to ‘fuck off’ but for a child this would be an extremely traumatising experience that would have a detrimental effect on their bond with the parent/carer who did it. And if that’s the best way you think a child should be disciplined you really shouldn’t have kids.

Shannon – I was spanked as a child if I was very bold, until I was around Ari’s age I guess. After that my mother would just lift the wooden spoon out of the cutlery drawer and I would toe the line – although she would never hit me with it!

But spanking never did me any harm. It was rare and probably warranted, and if I had kids I would spank them when absolutely necessary. But i’m not a parent so not best qualified to speak on this subject :)

By: E-Rich E-Rich Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:48:05 +0000 Personally (as it has worked for me) Is discuss with the other parent what form of punishment if any is appropriate and adhere to it. That way the child won’t have the idea that ones is more harsh then the others.

By: Joan Joan Fri, 09 Jan 2009 03:49:25 +0000 Carmen, I WAS friends with her until I witnessed one too many incedents that were “abuse” and it really shocks me to read you say spankings and soap in the mouth is not abusive.
If you could think for one moment of the amount of force it would take to put soap into a childs mouth against their will maybe you would get it, or perhaps read the articles on the children that have died from EXACTLY that form of “parenting”.
To put a noxious substance into a childs mouth to teach them a lesson, all it teaches them is not only to not trust that parent because they could respond with a humiliating and painful approach but that also violence is a corect response to not getting your point across.
I am a mom, and many times my little girl does not do as she is told, it happens, thats how children learn boundaries, but I NEVER respond with violence, I don’t even agree with yelling at her, we discuss what she did wrong and the repurcussions of her actions, like taking away a privlidge, like no movies for 2 days or I take a toy away from her.
One thing I work very hard to teach her is that violence is wrong, how do I get that point across if she won’t listen at first? Should I give her a good spanking to show her I think hitting is bad? I constantly hear from her teachers what a sweet little girl she is, I have never heard of her hitting except one time after she had a weekend at her fathers where I later found out she got a swat on the bum. Do you not see the conection here? She no longer is allowed to see him and she has never resorted to violence since.
I grew up with a VERY violent father, there is no grey area when it comes to abuse, to resort, out of anger or frustration to striking or hurting your child in any way, or humiliating them, you have failed as a parent.

By: Carmen Carmen Fri, 09 Jan 2009 02:14:25 +0000 And I do agree you should explain what your child did wrong, and why they are being punished. You shouldn’t leave them in the dark as to what they did can they learn that way? But I also think things like spanking have a place if a child can’t be reasoned with..and not all of them can.

By: Carmen Carmen Fri, 09 Jan 2009 02:11:45 +0000 Ely..writing something 50 times could be rather painful on the child’s is that not sadistic too? Nicole I heartily agree I have no true idea what’s going on in their family…I know nothing of what was witnessed by others since I know none of these people directly. I’m betting most of the people responding to this post don’t know them directly either (or maybe I’m wrong and you are all personal, RL friends..tell me if this is so). I’m just basing my opinion on what I’ve read about this on here. I just think some people are going overboard with labeling all these things as child abuse..maybe Shannon has mentioned something I’ve missed? I don’t think the occasional spanking or soap incident is child abuse.

By: Shannon Shannon Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:38:34 +0000 On some levels locking a child up like that is more cruel in my opinion…

By: Nicole Nicole Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:23:09 +0000 I don’t think anyone knows the extent of what has gone on other than Shannons ex and his daughter.

If you put the pieces together over what has been witnessed by others, said directly by the perpetrator and been told by the child… yes, it’s abuse and yes, it’s sadistic. Anyone that finds, even momentary gratification and enjoyment through physically harming and humiliating their child is.

I’m stating my own personal views as are others, you’re free to disagree but you should probably weigh first, whats gone on over several years.

I also think that locking your child in a bathroom for the night to be abusive, tho you have the right to disagree.

By: ELY M. ELY M. Fri, 09 Jan 2009 00:15:55 +0000 a child should NEVER ever been hit or spanked at all.
also washing mouth with soap is bad bad bad idea.
you should use more proper punishment like sit in a corner or writing like 10 to 50 sentences “I will not use dirty word.” very important is to talk and discuss with your child. education is important.
hitting, spanking, and some form of torture will not ever help child learn on what is wrong and right.
