Comments on: Uilenspiegel III I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Isabel Isabel Tue, 28 Oct 2008 03:51:11 +0000 This feels kind of odd to say since the work is so bright and cartoony, but it’s that without the outlines it just seems more… alive… Real life doesn’t have outlines. Ehh I guess I can’t really word it to make sense. Sorry. But no outlines seems to be a recurring preference of mine in general. /shrug

By: treyci treyci Mon, 27 Oct 2008 00:10:03 +0000 i dig the lines, as well. it’s just interesting to see it without them because all the work you do has them. i like it when someone has a particular style they paint in. i paint a lot myself and my thing is this odd sort of watercolor washed backgrounds. i think everyone has some sort of style to their work.

By: Shannon Shannon Sun, 26 Oct 2008 21:18:48 +0000 The shirt says “100% suck free” — it’s a Debian shirt.

The lines are staying I’m afraid, I far prefer it that way…

By: treyci treyci Sun, 26 Oct 2008 18:00:26 +0000 what exactly does your shirt say, shannon? i can’t figure out if it says ’100% dickfree’ or ’100% duckfree’. i’m just not sure. ha ha. and i love the new painting. it’s been said twice already, but the no line thing…

By: Caitlin Caitlin Sun, 26 Oct 2008 02:05:28 +0000 Shannon has said it before, but Ari is really like Animal from the Muppet Show when she plays drums. Just…flailing. It’s awesome.

By: peteD3 peteD3 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 16:48:17 +0000 did you get RB2 yet? what do you think? is it a big enough change to be worth getting?
K8 & i are still working on RB1, she’s slacking on her drum work!

By: LotN LotN Sat, 25 Oct 2008 14:01:19 +0000 Isabel wrote it first. I also really like the unlined look…

By: allahkat allahkat Sat, 25 Oct 2008 12:59:08 +0000 My youngest neice got a drum set for Christmas a few years ago (she would have been about as old as Ari is now) and there is something so completely hilarious about watching kids play the drums. I can’t describe it!

By: Kyle Kyle Sat, 25 Oct 2008 05:39:36 +0000 I was wondering Oil or Acrylic ?? Come on now I love the White Stripes but we all know its more about how cool Meg is rather then her tech skill. lol

By: estrojenn estrojenn Fri, 24 Oct 2008 22:25:54 +0000 geez…everyone knows that a good drummer needs a kick ass pink dress. duh!

By: Isabel Isabel Fri, 24 Oct 2008 19:40:49 +0000 I kind of like the way it looks without the outlines. Can’t quite grab the right word for it though.
