Comments on: We ARE rich, even NOW I can scarcely move or draw my breath // Let me, let me freeze again to death Wed, 06 Jan 2016 03:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucas Lucas Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:32:55 +0000 the best way to get rid of that thing is the volcano or… a “pletwals” like we say in Belgium. don’t know the English word for it but it’s something cylinder shaped and extremly heavy and it’s to make the ground flat. be careful do cause last time i used it to destroy my friends mobile phone it made me trip over and fall on my arm and my implant moved like an inch or so, haha

By: Gillian Gillian Fri, 10 Oct 2008 02:06:53 +0000 I used to have a pillowcase in that horribly ugly fabric. Love it!

By: estrojenn estrojenn Fri, 10 Oct 2008 00:12:37 +0000 i totally need brain age…ugh…

By: shimble shimble Thu, 09 Oct 2008 17:57:28 +0000 i wanted to rant about the global credit crisis.
so the world is just waking up to the problems
of ficticious money.

global economies in uproar and people are still
poor and hungry

where a man in a suit is crying
because his wealth of lies has collapsed

so to help the economy the goverments will help
by giving money to the banks but its not even
real money they are borrowing more debt to pay

we want to buy your oil you can buy these guns
ive got a bargain basement of landmines and
rocket launchers but that food he needs isnt important
besides we are too busy perpetuating the war on
lies and corruption whilst pretending its something else

securities bonds shares insurances mortgages are
are all worthless to a country with poor people
that have been encouraged to borrow ridiculous
amounts of money to live a life they have not

house prices are dropping
a house is worth nothing if you cant afford to
live in it
in fact it becomes a prison of cirumstance
work to pay debt to be able to stay in the
same place so you can work to pay next months

while a suit makes money selling risk, assumption,
probability, maybe, if’s, incase, hopefully and lets hope
nobody notices it doesnt actually exist

have ya got 10p for a cup of tea guvnor

By: LotN LotN Thu, 09 Oct 2008 16:39:42 +0000 It’s ridiculous how rich the average American is, by world standards.

I’m actually hoping for a serious depression in the US. We here really need to learn how to prioritize and take a break from rampant consumerism…

By: Ania Ania Thu, 09 Oct 2008 14:07:02 +0000 You certainly don’t squander too many resources – your way of gift wrapping is great and quite ‘green’ :)

By: Caitlin Caitlin Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:27:24 +0000 Nintendo DS Lite! And Brain Age 1 and 2 AND Guitar Hero to go!

Ha ha! I love it, love love love it! And I am slowly getting smarter my brain’s ranked at 33 years old now and getting younger by the day!

By: Elizabeth Elizabeth Thu, 09 Oct 2008 06:28:27 +0000 I too dig the newspaper bow. Sweet.
On the state of things…
The nothing approaches, it looms!

By: Lucas Lucas Thu, 09 Oct 2008 05:03:51 +0000 I do think that we need to start working on space projects again, how ever i do agree with you that we need to work on other more serious social and economic problems first. Futhermore, if a space elevator is only going to cost 10 billion dollars, Alberta could build one out of it’s surplus for a year (apparently the 99% of the public sees this surplus as the government doing a good job, even though it just means they’re either one over taxing us or under spending.) just don’t let the people that did the gun registry get their hands on it.

By: wlfdrgn wlfdrgn Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:44:07 +0000 You can’t kill a haunted tape dispenser by throwing it into a volcano. Only excess virgins can be disposed of that way, although if you toss in too many, you’ll plug up the volcano.

By: Kim Kim Thu, 09 Oct 2008 01:56:14 +0000 I love the newspaper bow.

By: Corvin Corvin Thu, 09 Oct 2008 01:02:13 +0000 I think that ebay is a great way to get rid of haunted items and make a little extra cash, just make sure that you tell everyone that it’s haunted in the description.

And the extra cash? That goes to Guitar Hero: World Tour of course.

By: estrojenn estrojenn Thu, 09 Oct 2008 00:16:37 +0000 um, hi…more importantly, what were the presents?!?!?!

By: JonnyButts JonnyButts Wed, 08 Oct 2008 23:56:24 +0000 “The only reason that we have an economic crisis is that class inequality has gotten way out of hand and too much money is in too few hands.” You hit the nail on the head right there! I think a proper Exorcism for the tape dispenser should work.
